The Project Roadmap

The Roadmap to making the Urban Air Mobility a reality is a long way. In DELOREAN, the consortium explores the GNSS technology in the challenging urban scenario, in the two different commercial sectors: People Transport and Goods.

This section presents the roadmap within the project as a set of flight campaigns and dissemination activities that are proposed throughout the project. As soon as the milestone is achieved, a news release is issued and this page updated with the highlights. Bear in mind that not all public dissemination events are shared in this page. The interested reader can follow the social media accounts associated to the project partners.

During the last week of April 2021 Benidorm saw the first set of DELOREAN flight tests. This first campaign was paramount for the build-up of the Urban Lab architecture, the flight permits and the contact with the local authorities.

Unique GNSS data was collected through different flights, mimicking in a smaller scale the operations (and challenges) that can be found in UAM.

Advisory Group November 2021

Benidorm hold the fist Advisory Group gathering in November 2021. This was the first time that many participants had the oportunity to get insights of DELOREAN and specially of the first Urban Lab Flight Campaign.

Already, the main challenges in the GNSS system were advertised, puting even stronger expectations in the overall project outcomes.

Urban Air Delivery Flight Test July 2022

During a very hot summer week in the ATLAS drone center, Correos had the oportunity to fly for the first time the intelligent delivery box.

The main objective for the week was the integration of the different systems to provide the comercial service: from a delivery service reservation/request, to the flight operation, monitoring and ultimately the package delivery.

After the successful integration week in July, DELOREAN plans to demonstrate the full delivery scenario to a selected set of participants in Seville.

Even if the environment will not be specifically urban, it will validate the integrated system whilst flying on a peri-urban environment and demonstrating the potential benefit of such operations to Correos and the invited participants.

Urban Lab Flight Campaign 2022

A new flight campaign is planned for early February 2023. New sensors and algorithms have been integrated in the Urban Lab testing platform, requiring a second data collection campaign.

How will an accurate time reference help in the hugely challenging multipath scenario? How does Galileo OS-NMA perform between buildings?

Urban Lab UAM and UAD Demo day

DELOREAN consortium is pleased to invite relevant participants to the Urban Lab Flight Campaign demo day in Benidorm the 9th February 2023. The DELOREAN drone will navigate next to the tall skyscrapers in the city, displaying the challenges and the opportunities of urban flights. It will be an excellent opportunity to gather feedback on the draft concepts of DELOREAN.

Urban Air Mobility Demo 2023

India is home of some of the biggest urban areas in the world. Air mobility in such environments is regarded as an option to reduce ground traffic and proposes quick response to many comercial and emergency services.

DELOREAN is preparing a demonstration campaign, together with the Indian authorities, and Airbus, where two major cities will be connected by UAM.

Urban Air Mobility Final Event

A final DELOREAN event is being planned at the end of the project. The participants will be invited in the second Advisory Group meeting, where the results of the project will be disseminated and discussed.

At this moment, this event is not yet defined and the date and place are not yet decided.